Madame Religieuse – Little French Cafe

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      Madame Religieuse

      Madame Religieuse

      Regular price $12.00 Sale


      Madame Religieuse

      (" nun" in French ) This dessert resembles a nun in a habit and like an éclair, a religieuse is one of the French's favorite pastries. It is made using two pâte à choux  ,the large pastry case at the bottom (the nun's body) is topped by a smaller one (her head). 

      These choux are covered with pink fondant and filled with almond sponge, Veuve du Vernay rose champagne cream and raspberry and violet gel. 

      This dessert is for 1 religieuse and will serve 1 person.


      Allergens; egg, almond, gluten, dairy.